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Forest Path


To save our kids' future from modern slavery, we as a community, need to focus on the development of children and create an environment that equips them to face all the present and future challenges and make a better living space for themselves without compromising their joy.


A space to help connect with self, with others and with nature. A space where we and our children can unfold in our own unique ways, find our true expression and purpose unbiased by societal agenda. A space which focuses on cultivating foundational values of generosity, self enquiry, service and resilience instead of just imparting skills without any purpose. A space where Nature is the ultimate teacher, where we as learners talk less and observe more. Its a space that wants to create joyful human beings and a healthy planet.


  • Physical development

  • Sensorial Development

  • Mental Development

  • Psychological development

  • Emotional Development

  • Creative Development

  • Social Development

  • Sustainability


  • Holistic growth of child and parents

  • Spend quality time with your child

  • Lowering stress level of parents

  • Like minded parents community

  • Non judgmental space

  • Natural surroundings to explore, sit and relax

  • Volunteer and observe kids psychology

Module I

Module II

Module III

Ecology & Nature Study


Sustainability & Zero Waste

The entire journey will be based on elements of nature and the five senses. Each SESSION we will focus on one component of nature and our study, research and observations will be based on that component.

The aim is to develop kid's artistic vision and develop their DIY and fine motor skills. This program also focuses on the sustainability.

The art of Living Concuíously:
Understanding the value of Natural Resources
Conscious living, Minimal lifestyle

  • Forest Walks

  • Biodiversity Study

  • Forest Bathing

  • Forest Art

  • Plantation

  • Crop Calendar

  • Soil Preparation

  • Sowing & transplantation

  • Pest & Weed management

  • Harvest & Preserving

  • DIY  Household Products

  • Composting

  • Bioenzyme

  • Sustainability Ecopreneurs

Moudule IV

Module V

Food & Nutrition

Rural Socio-cultural study

Connection with the food and understanding its impact on our body. Understanding natural ways of augmenting nutritional vaue of food.

Rural elders share essential living knowledge with kids, including herbs, local medicines, folk tales, culture, and cooking recipes, fostering a healthy, happy life close to nature.

  • Community kitchen

  • Microgreens

  • Fermentation

  • Seasonal Vs Non seasonal

  • Mindful eating

  • Community kitchen

  • Microgreens

  • Fermentation

  • Seasonal Vs Non seasonal

  • Mindful eating

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Listen to Anchal's (Parent) Experience of Forest Iscool

Ahan, Age 10

Hi, I am Ahan, and I just want to tell you that Azadwadi is the most fun place on earth. One day, I went to the forest, sat on a rock, and my whole heart was filled with emotions. I expressed my feelings on what I feel about mother nature and how dear she is to me. I highly recommend Azadwadi Forest School for children who want to connect with nature and learn in a fun, outdoor environment.


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